
About Celero Sales Partners

Founded by a Passion for the Sales Profession

Celero Sales Partners was founded in 2015 by Rich Park.  Rich is a life-long student of Sales and brings a dedication to both the art and science of selling.  

Rich has sold products and services, led large sales teams, and has been a management consultant to Fortune 1000 executives in his 20+ year career.  

However, training and delivering learning programs for sales reps has and will always be Rich's true love when it comes to his career.  

Rich brings that dedication to Celero Sales Partners, where the sole mission of the firm is help train front-line reps to have more business acumen and confidence when speaking to executive customers and building critical relationships during the buying process. 

Today, Rich has helped deliver scores of engagements worldwide that have helped sales teams achieve mastery over basic and advanced selling concepts and skills.   Celero means "to accelerate", so get in touch with us to find out how we can help your company move fast and create training that matters.  

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Our process of working with new clients is to help them build or supplement existing training programs based on their market, their buyers, and skills gaps for selling teams.  

Our engagements are designed  to empower customers to take what we create and weave it throughout their existing processes and systems easily so the programs have a lasting effect and show immediate growth and enablement of more closed deals for reps.