Our Experience

Celero Associates are proven trainers with a minimum of 10 years experience  each, "carrying a bag" and leading successful teams across multiple industries.  Celero associates have real-life, sales know-how, and skill-building insights to help your business achieve results.

Why Us?

With so many sales trainers in the market to choose from, how do you select a firm that fits your organization's unique needs and challenges?  More importantly, how do you know your dollars will be well spent on training and seminars that will stick with reps and not end up as "shelf-ware"?

Celero approaches each client company differently - we listen and we shape training that prepares sales reps to close business in the industries, and with the buyers that matter to you.  

Our approach combines process management, and live-drill simulations to reinforce learning and create a fun atmosphere for learning.  This prevents rep learning fatigue, and ensures that lessons and skills stay long after the training is over.  

Celero also focuses on enabling and supporting sales managers who need to reinforce and stand-up new methodologies and processes at your company.

Lastly, we provide bilingual training in Spanish and English.  Hablamos espanol.